Whole systems approaches and how we can evaluate and learn from them

What are whole systems and place-based approaches and how might they enable sustainable reductions in health inequalities?
This website has been created to share learning and resources from the National Evaluation and Learning Partnership's (NELP) work with Sport England and people working in local Place Partnerships to develop whole-systems, place-based approaches to reducing inequalities in physical activity. It includes tools and resources for realist-informed evaluation methods including configurational comparative analysis and participatory methods.
Read more about our work in this Introduction to evaluating whole system approaches.
Find out here about how we are using configurational comparative analysis
Learn about three interconnected practices – or areas of action – where efforts to tackle inequalities may take place. and ten conditions or characteristics of systems that may be necessary for tackling these inequalities. See our Conceptual Framework
You can also find explanations of some the terms we're using on our help page.